On an internal webserver in IIS create a subdirectory under wwwroot called NetApp. Place the downloaded SP firmware file from the link below in the NetApp folder just created.
Try to access the folder on your internal webserver by going to http://YourWebserverIPaddress/NetApp If successful you should see the file listed similar to the screenshot below:
Log onto the SP (formerly known as RLM) via Putty and run the following command.
SP FilerName> sp update
Downloading package…
Uncompressing package…
Unarchiving package…
Inspecting firmware…
Installing package…
Reprocessing configuration state…
Cleaning up… SP FW Update Successful.
Use “sp reboot” command to reboot into the new firmware.
SP FilerName> sp reboot
The Service Processor will be rebooted. Continue? [y/n]